Blue Dogs Rule

Blue Dogs Rule

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In the Beginning...

In a world of extremes there are those of us who make up that large amount of space between the poles. In the world of politics the majority of Americans make up this center. We are those who believe that the word compromise is not a synonym for retreat or for failure but instead something which success and advances are built upon.
The funny thing about being this center is that the other sides are so loud and so demanding because they don't compromise that they are the ones who get all the attention and who create the "platform" of whatever party they represent. The Republicans have the hardcore conservatives who believe that the 1950's never ended and the Democrats have the very liberal "hippies" who believe that the 60's never ended. For those of us who are living in the 21st century we are often unable to be heard above the roar of extremes. This is where the title of this blog comes in, we're stuck between an Ass and an Elephant!
In the 2008 election however I believe there will be a difference between years past. Although we are almost assured that a Democrat will get office mainly because G.W. Bush messed everything up so much, the sides and especially the democrats are surprisingly starting to figure out that to win an election you have to court this center. This isn't a new idea but this time I think they have really taken it to heart. If you listen to some of the Democrat candidates you will notice that although they are courting their "base" which is the very liberal "hippies" they are also trying to "convert" some republicans who would be considered "blue dog democrats."
This blog is so I as a blue dog democrat, can voice my ideas and my feelings on issues, events and people who are involved in both.
By the way, a Blue Dog Democrat is generally someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal; pro-business and puts emphasis on "individual responsibility". This however is a very loose definition because by definition not all blue dog democrats vote or think the same.

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